How to pick the right fabric for your furniture.

When you find a treasure in a second hand shop that needs sprucing up, or you have an old piece of furniture in need of an uplift, it can be hard to decide what fabric to use. Do you go for a pattern or one colour.  This blog has some questions for you to ask yourself whilst you are making this decision. How long do you plan on using this piece of furniture? Knowing this will help you to determine whether you need to choose fabric that is timeless instead or fashionable. What is a ‘cool’ print at the moment may look out-dated and old fashioned in 5 to 10 years. You always have the option to keep on changing the fabric as time goes by but you need to consider the cost and time this will take. How will you use your furniture? Is your newly upholstered piece of furniture going in playroom or the posh lounge that you only use on special occasions? Will your family use it daily or rarely. Your answer to this question will help you decide how durable your fabric needs to be and how camouflage it needs to be. Don’t choose a more expensive fabric expecting it to be more durable. Some fabrics are more expensive because they have a larger pattern with a big repeat so more fabric is used. Tip: Pattern covers up spillages more than a solid colour. What is your style? We each have our own personal taste, colour themes and preferences when it comes to fabric. Some people like solid colours, some like retro patterns and some love stripes. Spend some time thinking about your style before you choose your fabric and think about the overall effect you are going for with your room. It is a good idea to set up a Pinterest board for inspiration. Follow us too! Tip: You can always add patterns and more modern style via pillows on your sofa so as styles change you can replace the pillows instead of re-cover your chair or sofa. Do you want to add a trim to your fabric? Trimming can add a new dynamic to your chair and really spice up a solid colour. When you are custom designing your chair you have many options and trimming can really finish the job off nicely. You can use nails trims or fabric trims. Do you have any extra tips for choosing fabric? Let us know on our Facebook and/or Twitter.

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