Feeling Nautical? Heritage Components’s Favourite Summer Home Décor Designs

Summer is in full swing and it is fun to have your home roll with the seasons by giving it a summer lift. The team over at Heritage are self-confessed nautical lovers so we have compiled a list of our favourite summer-inspired touches to add to your home during the warmer months. Bright Coloured Furniture Legs: Bright yellow furniture legs look amazing in the summer time and can really lift a room. One way you can flow with the seasons is to swop out earthly brown legs from winter into summer floral colours. Yellow looks great with blue upholstery or nautical stripes. The stark contrast will be a favourite amongst your friends and family. Wicker baskets: Wicker baskets are a quick and easy way to make your home look fresh and summery. You can opt for a wicker magazine rack or go all out and invest in the furniture for your kitchen. Paired with a nautical, seaman’s rope with knot would complete the look. Turquoise anything: Literally turquoise anything makes any home feel like it is by the seaside. It is a good idea to invest in that signature piece of turquoise pottery or glassware that can come out every summer. If you don’t want to spend too much money, a turquoise throw or collection of pillows also works. You can even go for different tones of turquoise to add depth to your designs. Driftwood: Driftwood is certainly something you either love or hate. If it is something you enjoy, finding a driftwood frame for a picture in your bathroom is a lovely touch. If you want to take it a step further, then you can get a driftwood lamp or piece of abstract art. Etsy has a multitude of vendors selling such pieces of work. Nautical stripes: As we mentioned, nautical stripes are a favourite. The one mistake you can make with nautical is to overwhelm your home with too much stripy furniture. One centrepiece is more than enough. One armchair looks fantastic complimented with bold colours. You can add a few extra nautical accessories such as a pillow or placemats, but don’t cover your entire house. Do you have a favourite summer theme for your home? Do you tend to change with the seasons? Tell us your home décor stories over on our Facebook and Twitter.

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