Brass Castors for Elegant Furniture

When refreshing the decor in your home, simple changes to furniture, such as adding brass castors or chrome castors, can transform individual pieces and the overall look of a room. Here at Heritage Components we encourage people to reinvent their furniture, transforming an existing chair or sofa is eco-friendly, and something as simple as adding high-quality brass casters can reinvent your treasured furniture. Further, the cost of refinishing your existing seating is far less than investing in a new piece, coupled with the satisfaction of giving new life to a tired piece and keeping a sofa or chair in the family home. Break from the ‘norm’ and add castors or legs that contrast with your existing style, making furniture unique and bespoke to you. Try brushed chrome casters contrasted against traditional furniture, or traditional brass castors on more modern designs, in a mix and match style, for example. Decorative castors can be utilised in a variety of ways to enhance your furniture. If reupholstering the piece as a whole, try contrasting your choice of caster with say different shades of wood finish, tweed, floral motifs, striking fabrics or leather perhaps. Also give consideration to the nature and colour of the floor and how this will contrast, whether it is polished tiles, hardwood, a rug or carpet. Our high-quality castors are amongst the strongest on the market with the thread extending right through from the bottom, through the castor, as opposed to many which are only secured to the cup. As such, they will provide years of service whether using on sofas, chairs or other furniture.

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